Association Indian dinner

Friday 9 November 2012

The association Ext'Asie got together for their first meal together at an Indian restaurant called Taj Mahal in Lille on October 08, 2012 with the new recruits of the association. A very good meal, slightly spicy and always great to have Indian people to advice us about the dishes!
There were a lot of weird moments during the dinner  though as some people just couldn't handle even the non-spicy food. Paul was heard commenting, "I ordered non spicy food, even this is spicy!". Sadly, Olivier was in complete agreement of it as well (While he drank glass after glass of water). Ofcourse, an even funnier moment was when Ibrahim started drinking (He had a single glass of vodka). However, it can't be confirmed if he is always like that or if he really did get slightly drunk.


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Ext'Asie 2010-2012